Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's too late to's too late~~

Thank you for how you behaved and reacted. I thought things were fine because of the way they happened. At first, I was expecting some awkwardness and I doubted on the decision to go over your place. I saw you left when I was there; though I didn't know whether it was on purpose. But after that, it turned out fine. I was really happy.

It's just that after the incident, I guess the crack is always going to be there. No reversal, no recovery, no return to the perfect friendship anyhow. Like a Swarovski crystal ornament, nice to see, good to hold, but once broken, it will not be as flawless and exquisite as before. Although super glue can partially repair it, if and only if the pieces are all found. But I lost one of them.

I apologized, but I don't think it was accepted. But regardless of how it turns out, I still have to say the word "sorry". I'm sorry.

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