Friday, March 26, 2010


I'm so obsessed to military-inspired style. Although it is not the latest style but it's definitely a good one to follow. It brings out the toughness in you and yet you don't look cocky.

I'm starting my collection of military-inspired attire. This is my new obsession. @@

Sunday, March 21, 2010







我也想回到是小学生的时代,因为那时的我很天真。那时没有要求,只有很多愚蠢的想法。只想快快离开学校,可以不用做功课,不用再怕被老师骂,被老师罚。我怀念那个笨蛋又与世无争的我,被级任老师选为学长而伤心的我(也应该说是很没有自信, 但我不怀念缺乏信心的我)。我怀念婆婆喂我吃饭的中午(不是因为我依赖性强,是因为婆婆看不过眼我吃得很慢),不是因为有人伺候,而是因为那很温馨。



Thursday, March 18, 2010



说到台北101,令我想起我们原本计划的有声有色的年底台湾之旅,不到一天就没了,因为我年底可能会要进行实验。过后,妈又给我一个像风一样的惊喜:六月的香港之旅!也一样没有了,因为姑姑在那时举办婚礼。。。嗨,我很没有旅行命的咯。。。要去旅行业没得去,还好有个Redang 来安抚我的失望,因为那里有我最爱的海,而且我们可以在那里疯狂地拍照,拍下我们即将慢慢被摧毁的青春。。。


这样的生活从什么时候开始,我也不太清楚,不过我还记得它开始的原因。自从赵明福的死因不明而引起很多民愤时,来自泰国的Pornthip(报纸的译名:蓬蝶) Rojanasunand 负责检查他的死因。当然原因与赵明福无关,只是当时我注意到蓬蝶的发型很庞克,而且是被染成红色的,根本就不像是一个 forensic pathologist (我想不到怎样翻译,哈哈)的形象。过后,我爸从报纸上阅读了她的访问。爸说她的志愿其实是要当一名发型设计师,可是最后没有当上,所以也只好把自己的发型弄得时髦一些,好让自己可以了了未达到的志愿。就是她的这番想法照亮了我。



* 快点起来,不要发梦了!*


就这样的,慢慢就变成一个习惯,每天都会浏览潮男的部落格,开始注意春夏季及秋冬季的新风格,自己活在自己的梦想中,逃离现实的我,那个想要当生物化学研究者的我。最近发现自己对生物化学的东西越来越厌倦了。面对那些烦人的报告及什么基因的呈现(gene expression, 我不懂我的翻译是对还是错,哈哈),更让我反复自问自己是不是选错了科目?是不是该放胆去尝试别的行列,比如我迷恋的模界及娱乐圈?可是,我真的没有勇气。这样的尝试太恐怖了,就像用我的前途去赌一场。如果我赢了,我会很开心,因为我真的可以当上模特儿或歌星,实现我的梦想;如果我输了,我就一无是处,半天吊。




Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The UGLY diffrence

Lately, I find myself very into the world of fashion. Actually, after all these years, I always pay attention to it but I didn’t really try to apply them in my real life. I was a fan of ANTM, but due to my recent busy life and also the lack-of-freshness in the show, I stopped following. I love the fashion industry for its glamour; it always looks grand and elegant. Until then, the previous shopping sessions for CNY new clothes has sort of triggered my interest to get involved in fashion and I started to view men’s fashion blogs. From there, I am exposed to the glamour of the industry, and I am very attracted to it, I just don’t know why. Luckily I am not rich, or else I might succumb into it.

Those blogs that I am following feature high-end fashion brands like you guys know of, for instance, CK, D&G, Armani, Burberry and LV (yes, they have menswear line as well). Besides that, there are many other brands which are less common in Malaysia, like, Dsquared2, Balmain, Lanvin, Bottega Veneta and more. What attract me is not only their super expensive prices for even a piece of small accessories like an armlet or a necklace, the way they sell their products to the world. Attractive ad campaigns for each seasons; some features elegance and glamour, others focus on high sex appeal.

Dsquared2 2010 spring/summer

Dolce & Gabbana

Bottega Veneta

Regardless of what their main focus is, each photo for the ad campaign is a fine piece of artwork. These photos remind me of my long forsaken dream of being a model. Haha, ya, that’s my dream, forever it will be, though I know it’s hard to achieve. Besides that, their new collection has become an obsession for the media and also fashionists all over the world. People are so keen in attending their runway shows. I just can’t stop wondering; is there really a flood of rich people out there? It’s unbelievable how these high-end clothing companies succeed in luring people into buying their products? Too many rich shopaholics around the world? Or people just can’t resist the lure of a luxurious life?

Despite of my fascination towards these high-end luxury goods, my rationality remains in me. Fashion is a fast-changing industry with two seasons (spring-summer and fall-winter) in each year, and if a person were to follow the trends for each season, not to mention to follow the trends strictly, he would be spending a fortune on clothing and accessories alone. These clothes are not cheap, they worth more than the monthly salary of a general clerk or janitor. Amazed by how expensive they are? Yes, extremely and unexpectedly expensive, and yet, there are people who can afford them.

Well, it’s a big world out there, ain’t it? People could be so affluent that they could afford a Hermes Birkin which could cost up to a price of more than USD 100,000, carrying it around the city; people could also be desperately poor until they could not even get enough of their basic requirements of life: clean water, food (not to mention nutritious food like meat and fish) and a shelter. This is how big our global social gap could be, what an ugly difference.

That’s why, I am grateful of what I have, although I am not rich and I certainly can't afford any of these brands mentioned above, but at least I have enough nutritious food and plenty of clean water and a place to stay (excluding the hot air in my house!).

Hope you guys feel the same way as well, be happy of what you've got. =]